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English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian aviation dictionary. 2015.
isogonic — [ī säg′ə nəlī΄sō gän′ik, ī΄səgän′ik] adj. [ ISO + GON + IC] 1. of or having equal angles 2. connecting or showing points on the earth s surface having the same magnetic declination [isogonic lines on a map] 3. of or having to do with isogony:… … English World dictionary
Isogonic — I so*gon ic, a. [Iso + Gr. gwni a angle.] Pertaining to, or noting, equal angles. [1913 Webster] {Isogonic lines} (Magnetism), lines traced on the surface of the globe, or upon a chart, connecting places at which the deviation of the magnetic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Isogonic — I so*gon ic, a. (Zo[ o]l.) Characterized by isogonism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isogonic — adjective a) Describing imaginary lines connecting points on the earths surface of identical magnetic declination. b) Having equal angles. Syn: isogonal See Also: isogonic line, agonic line … Wiktionary
Isogonic lines — Isogonic I so*gon ic, a. [Iso + Gr. gwni a angle.] Pertaining to, or noting, equal angles. [1913 Webster] {Isogonic lines} (Magnetism), lines traced on the surface of the globe, or upon a chart, connecting places at which the deviation of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isogonic line — noun an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth s surface where the magnetic declination is the same • Syn: ↑isogonal line, ↑isogone • Hypernyms: ↑line * * * noun Etymology: isogonic (I) … Useful english dictionary
isogonic line — izogona statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. isogon; isogonal; isogonic line vok. Isogone, f; Linie gleicher Deklination, f rus. изогона, f; кривая равного отклонения, f pranc. courbe isogonique, f; isogone, f; ligne isogonique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
isogonic magnification — lygiakampis didinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. equiangular magnification; isogonal magnification; isogonic magnification vok. ähnliche Vergrößerung, f; isogonale Vergrößerung, f rus. изогональное увеличение, n pranc.… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
isogonic — adjective Etymology: isogony, from is + gony Date: 1924 exhibiting equivalent relative growth of parts such that size relations remain constant • isogony noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
isogonic — /uy seuh gon ik/, adj. 1. having or pertaining to equal angles. 2. noting or pertaining to an isogonal line. n. 3. See isogonal line. [ < Gk isogón(ios) having equal angles (see ISO , GON) + IC] * * * … Universalium
isogonic — adj. having equal angles, pertaining to equal angles … English contemporary dictionary